Monday, May 4, 2009

If you can read this...

Then you probably made it out of school without having destroyed your native curiosity! It's Teacher Appreciation week, which causes a hail of mugs much like the one pictured here to shower down on our most under appreciated community workers. We don't sell many "Hallmark" style items at the Golden Apple, it goes back to my mom's day, when she knew from personal experience that the last thing teachers needed were more "I heart teaching" mugs. Gift certificates make nice gifts.


Cameron said...

Oh,no! We thought TAW was next week (May 11)... Please advise so we can give our belated apologies to the teachers at Donlon! :) Thanks, John.

JohannSF said...

Today was the official day (May 5th) - I believe it relates to 2 for 1 specials on margaritas - but I think schools are free to celebrate whenever. Maybe having TAW during standardized testing didn't seem like a good idea!