Thursday, April 23, 2009

Save Our Schools

The Golden Apple has waded into local politics. Measure G is on the Pleasanton ballot this June, and we are helping the effort to boost funding for our schools by hosting a fundraiser. Every school and every teacher needs more support, coast to coast. We have the opportunity to act locally on this issue, so on Tuesday April 28th we are donating a percentage of our sales to support Measure G. Some day I will rant about the fact that the Pleasanton School District hasn't spent a dime in my store in 5 years, but this issue is about the teachers, not the district. Teachers have been the backbone of our store and they deserve everything the community can afford.
On a related note, here's a nice post from a local blog, thanking a few local teachers.
Candid Cameron: A Dozen Dedications: Why I Love Teachers

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